January 1, 2022
In order to avoid keeping credit/debit cards on file, it is important to remind ALL clients of Lotus Organics’ 48 HOUR CANCELATION POLICY. These last two years have not been kind to most of us when it comes to a sense of “normalcy”, and I understand that we are still in uncertain times. However, please know that late cancelations, no shows, and even last-minute changes in scheduled service(s) have been detrimental to small businesses during this time, with Lotus Organics being no exception. When a spot/service is reserved for you, multiple clients are often turned away for that very time slot. If there is not have enough notice of cancelation or shortened time slot, it is nearly impossible to fill that spot. This leads to many financial struggles, both personally and for the business, and leads potential new clients to seek openings elsewhere. While I try very hard to be flexible, I must start enforcing this policy very strictly to sustain the business. Please note the details as follows:
- Insufficient funds, work, meetings, classes, lack of child care, and other non-emergency appointments are NOT excusable from the 48 hour cancelation policy. Please schedule your appointment responsibly as far in advance as possible around any potential conflicts.
- Arriving late and/or changing your scheduled service(s) to one of a lower cost without sufficient notice will still result in being charged 100% of the originally scheduled service.
- Confirmation texts are a courtesy as my schedule allows and are NOT required on my part. It is still the client’s responsibility to keep the appointment regardless of confirmation.
- I understand that “life happens”, as you all know it does for me as well. HONESTY and COMMUNICATION will go a long way. Please notify me the very moment you know an appointment may need to change, even if you aren’t sure yet. The sooner I know your situation, the more I can work with you fairly and have another client potentially available to fill your spot so that you won’t be charged.
- Medical emergencies and any signs of illness in yourself or those in your household are excusable. However, if it is believed that you are continually and falsely using medical issues to avoid paying the late cancelation fee, you may be required to pre-pay in order to reschedule.
3 canceled appointments in a row, regardless of 48 hour notice or reason, will result in a required non-refundable pre-payment in order to be rescheduled.
Please view the full detailed list of Policies at www.lotusorganicsdayspa.com/policies-and-forms/.
Thank you so much for your understanding and continued loyalty and cooperation! See you soon!